Knowing the special economic zone of the South Pars

The Pars Energy Special Economic Zone is located on the Persian Gulf and in the area of ​​46 thousand hectares in Bushehr province, which consists of three areas:

Pars Ik region (Southern Pars) with 14 thousand hectares that includes Asalouye cityPars Do region (Kangan) covers 16 thousand hectares of Kangan cityPars Se region (Northern Pars) includes 16 thousand hectares of Deir, Dashti, Tangestan and Bushehr cities.

Bushehr province with its natural location includes plains, foothills and coastal lands and has a hot and humid climate that experiences temperatures above 50 degrees in summer and at least 5 degrees in winter.

The South Pars gas region is a joint area with the coastal country of Qatar, which started extracting gas in 1992. In 2002, Iran started operating this large gas reservoir and designed 28 phases to exploit the largest gas reservoir in the world, which has stored about 9% of the world’s gas. In addition to investors, domestic companies and large oil contractors, the effort to attract foreign investors continues.

Therefore, the work and investment rules in this region have been explained according to global recommendations. Despite the fact that the Qataris started exploiting Iran 12 years earlier, Iranian experts and specialists were able to match Iran’s exploitation rate with Qatar with a unique speed and tremendous effort. The development plan of the special economic zone of Pars energy continues at a fast pace and it is hoped that this zone will supply a huge part of Iran’s domestic demand and export of gas.Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization is one of the subsidiary organizations of National Iranian Oil Company, which is responsible for the management and management of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone on behalf of this company and was established on October 18, 1377.

Refinery phases

Out of a total of 24 refinery phases (equivalent to 28 phases) in Pars Energy Special Economic Zone, 18 refinery phases are currently in operation and 6 phases are under development. According to existing standards, there is an average of one platform per phase and about 10 active wells in the sea, which are gas and gas condensate. It imports South Pars reservoir along with salt water through 36-inch pipelines to Pars Energy Special Economic Zone.

 Arranged and adapted by: Ahmed Sahrai